Alli With An I - 5050 Lyrics

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Artist: Alli With An I
Song Title: 5050
Visits: 804
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All of the things that we've been through,

it doesn't matter just what I do.

All the things that I want to tell you.

It always seems like the wrong place,

the wrong time.

But after all I feel this way.

Why don't you feel the same way?

All you tell me is that it is 50/50!

Why don't you feel the same way?

All you can tell me is that it is 50/50!

This has never happened to me before.

Every night when I walk out of your door

The feeling is growing ever so fast.

And if you feel this way then we can make it last.

Why don't you feel the same way?

All you tell me is that it is 50/50!

Why don't you feel the same way?

All you can tell me is that it is 50/50!

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Other Alli With An I song Lyrics
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  • Letting Go
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  • Two Sides
    "Stop doing that. Can't you see there is no turning back? Take it in stride cause tonight I'm running out of time. I'm running out of time. Sometimes I feel like crying and sometimes I feel like screaming. There are two sides to everything. I could see this coming. There is nothing left for us to go on. There are two sides to everything, every argument that you have meant to bring. There's two sides. There are two sides to everything, every argument that you have meant to bring. There's two sides. What you say to me goes right through me like a knife and I can't take anymore, anymore of it this time. This is not like what I thought. Was this really all my fault? I don't need you to tell me I'm wrong. There are two sides to everything, every argument that you have meant to bring. There's two sides. There are two sides to everything, every argument that you have meant to bring. There's two sides to you and me. There are two sides. There are sides. There are two sides!

  • Up North

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