Allister - Better Late Than Forever Lyrics

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Artist: Allister
Song Title: Better Late Than Forever
Genre: Rock: Punk-Rock
Visits: 861
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I'm writing this song to tell you that I'm sorry
Because I know you never thought that I? be away so long
I know its unfair to ask for you to wait for me
But I don? have a real job and youre ready to move on

And its hard to keep my balance when you look the other way
So I'm letting go with every breath I take in

So many reasons I need something more to believe in
The time has come to turn and walk away
Through all these changes, mistakes
There was time now its too late
There? nothing more that I could say to you

I'm writing this song to tell you that its over
Your jealously took you way too far this time
Another day comes, I'm better off with you
So now take a deep breath and carry on with our lives

And its hard to keep my balance when you look the other way
So I'm letting go with every breath I take in

So many reasons I need something more to believe in
The time has come to turn and walk away
Through all these changes, mistakes
There was time now its too late
There? nothing more that I could say to you

So what good is today
If there? not gunna be a tomorrow?
It's too much for me to take
I know you don? wait forever
Just remember that life without us won't be the same

So many reasons I need something more to believe in
The time has come to turn and walk away
Through all these changes, mistakes
There was time now its too late
There? nothing more that I could say to you

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