Almond Marc - Beautiful Losers Lyrics

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Artist: Almond Marc
Almond Marc Author
Album: Open All Night (1999)
Almond Marc - Open All Night Album
Song Title: Beautiful Losers
Genre: Rock
Visits: 773
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Here's to the bruised and the broken hearted
Here's to dear friends now departed
Here's to the lonely here's to the lost
Here's to those who love at a cost

Here's to the bitter and the reviled
Here's to the rejected child
Here's to those who don't have a hope
Here's to all of us in the same boat

Here's to you and here's to me
Only time's gonna set us free
Beautiful losers
You beautiful losers
Here's to you and here's to me
Here's to our philosophy
You beautiful losers
I'm gonna take all your bruises away
We'll be winners at the end of the day

Here's to the talentless and the trying
Here's to those who are always crying
Here's to the fearful, here's to the faint
Here's to time that'll make you a saint

Here's to the broken, here's to the bent
Here's to you all heaven sent
Here's to those that are lost at sea
Here's to the time that'll set you free

Here's to you and here's to me
Only time's gonna set us free
Beautiful losers
You beautiful losers
Here's to you and here's to me
Here's to our philosophy
You beautiful losers
I'm gonna take all your bruises away
We'll be winners at the end of the day

Here's to rain
Here's to thunder
Here's to those that are trodden under
Here's to darkness
Here's to death
Here's to each fading breath
Here's to sorrow
Here's to pain
Here's to heartache once again
Here's to you
Here's to me
Only time's gonna set us free
Set us free

And when we die we're gonna

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Other Almond Marc song Lyrics
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  • The Plague
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    Bang your hands on the wall
    Say "To Hell with them all"..."
  • Stories of Johnny
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    Try hard to make the world look bright today
    Try hard to make my nightmares go away
    Try hard to keep the fear away..."
  • Love Letter
    "Marc Almond - Love Letter
    There are times
    You can't help but to cry
    And time won't heal..."
  • Always
    "Every morning
    Now I pray
    The phantom pains
    Not to come again..."
  • I Who Never
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    I've destroyed another love
    Have to stamp out every good that touches me
    In and out of my heart..."
  • My Candle Burns
    "Marc Almond - My Candle Burns
    You cried last night in your sleep
    Close my arms 'round you when you weep
    Archangel on wings of the night..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Open All Night" album, click "Almond Marc Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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