Alphaville - Blauer Engel Lyrics

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Artist: Alphaville
Alphaville Author
Album: Dreamscape 7 (1999)
Alphaville - Dreamscape 7 Album
Song Title: Blauer Engel
Genre: Pop
Visits: 906
Print Version

Song written in muenster 1983

"according to a note on the very first script the text origins from 1978, berlin. must have been a quite interesting time. unfortunately i just can't remember it."
Marian gold, 1998

Frhmorgens halbgetrumte nacht fliegt wie ein echo durch den kopf
Du schaust den spiegel unverwandt an, der mit fingern dich befhlt
Dein photo aneinanderreiht
Millionenfach zu and'rer zeit
Millonennfach, zu and'rer zeit

Das bin dann ich, nicht etwa du
Du schaust mir nur von weitem zu
Du schreist, ich seh's an deinem blick
Ich aber lache nur zurck

Dagegen kalt auf bahnsteig sechs, berlin von hamm ber hannover
Kommandos gellen an den zgen, die wagen rucken in die nacht
Passiert die endlos lange front von fenstern dj?vu die augen
Und bild um bild verschmelzen sie zum allerletzten passagier

Das bin dann ich, nicht etwa du
Du schaust mir nur von weitem zu
Du schreist, ich seh's an deinem blick
Ich aber lache nur zurck

Zuletzt woanders, 12. stockwerk, appartement 100, appartement 100
Und jemand schleicht sich durch den raum ...
Drei schnelle schritte zum balkon, die tr knallt hinter dir in's schloss
Und krachen dreissig tren und hallen wider wie wilde tiere

Das sind dann wir, nur ich und du, wir schauen uns im fallen zu
Der schrei bist du, ich dein gesicht
Du nur ein schatten, ich das licht ...

Music by alphaville
Lyrics by gold

Early morning half dreamed night
Flying like an echo through the head
You are looking in the mirror, who touches
You with fingers
Your pictures put together
A million times to different times

This is me, and not you
You are looking at a distance
You are screaming i can see
But i only laugh back at you.

It's cold on the railroad platform 6 berlin to hamm over hannover
Orders are screaming on the train, the cars going through the night
Causing the endless front of windows to be a deja vu from the eyes
Picture after picture melding to the very last passenger.

This is me......

Now to the 12th floor. apartment 100, apartment 100
Somebody is going through the room....
3 fast steps to the balcony, the door closes
And now i hear 3 door slamming and it sounds
Like 30 wild animals racing through the halls

Now we are there you and i
The scream is you and i am your face
You are like a shadow and i am the light.....

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  • Jerusalem
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    Once we were one
    Once we were running, we knew where we came from
    We were the music, we heard the call..."
  • A Victory Of Love
    "Waiting for a change in the weather
    I'm waiting for a shift in the air,
    Could we get it together - ever -
    Hoping for your return..."
  • Beethoven
    "There's a tremor in the city
    But it looks so quiet
    There is something awful brewing
    But there ain't no fights..."
  • Jet Set
    "This is the time, now gimme that beat
    Feel how the rhythm grips your feet
    Kitty baby, take my hand
    She's like a devil, heaven sent..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Dreamscape 7" album, click "Alphaville Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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