Altan - Uncle Rat Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> A>> Altan Singer Lyrics>> Uncle Rat Song Lyrics
Artist: Altan
Altan Author
Album: The blue idol (2002)
Altan - The blue idol Album
Song Title: Uncle Rat
Genre: Celtic
Visits: 853
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Uncle Rat went out to ride
Kitty alone, Kitty alone
Uncle Rat went out to ride
Kitty alone and I
Uncle Rat went out to ride
Sword and buckle by his side
Ma cax macari duck and a dil
Kitty alone and I

Lady Mouse, will marry me?
Kitty alone, Kitty alone
Lady Mouse, will marry me?
Kitty alone and I
Lady Mouse, will marry me?
Ask my Uncle Rat, says she
Ma cax macari duck and a dil
Kitty alone and I

Uncle Rat, will you marry Lady Mouse?
Kitty alone, Kitty alone
Uncle Rat, will you marry Lady Mouse?
Kitty alone and I
Uncle Rat, will you marry Lady Mouse?
Yes, kind sir, and half my house
Ma cax macari duck and a dil
Kitty alone and I

Lady Mouse, where will the wedding be?
Kitty alone, Kitty alone
Lady Mouse, where will the wedding be?
Kitty alone and I
Lady Mouse, where will the wedding be?
Ask my Uncle Rat, says she
Ma cax macari duck and a dil
Kitty alone and I

Uncle Rat, where will the wedding be?
Kitty alone, Kitty alone
Uncle Rat, where will the wedding be?
Kitty alone and I
Uncle Rat, where will the wedding be?
Up at the top of a holly tree
Ma cax macari duck and a dil
Kitty alone and I

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