Alter Boys - Pigs and Pineapples Lyrics

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Artist: Alter Boys
Song Title: Pigs and Pineapples
Visits: 865
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Ticker tape parades
Embalmed in napalm
A struggle for power
In the belly of the beast
Disneyland debutantes
Table dance for dollars
While Silicone soldiers wear Versace fatigues
And everyday I look I see the devil in the mirror
I've been blinded by illusion
Perfection can't be attained
That's why
Ouiga we don't want to tell the future
Roast the pigs with pineapples and smiles and tenderness
Poison a chicken
And it will predict the future
Hellhounds and witches are sniffing at my door
Over the borders we've been trading human skin
And everyday I look I see the devil in the mirror
I've been praying to bleeding statues dining with these hungry ghosts
That's why
Ouiga we don't want to tell the future
Roast the pigs with pineapples and smiles and tenderness
You've got a chip on your shoulder
There's a target on my chest
I've got a secret that I'm dying to confess
I've been blinded by the future
Present life cannot sustain
That's why
Ouiga we don't want to tell the future
Roast the pigs with pineapples and smiles and tenderness

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