Alter Bridge - Burn It Down Lyrics

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Artist: Alter Bridge
Alter Bridge Author
Album: Live Minneapolis (0)
Alter Bridge - Live Minneapolis Album
Song Title: Burn It Down
Visits: 876
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Drank so much last night
I think that I drowned
But now my cup is empty
No one has seen my will around
Now my heart is aching
Sometimes I fall asleep for days
But my bed is empty
I know I am too set in my ways
Tell all I am ok

So burn it down
Discover the dusk of your day
Has reached its dawn
So burn it down
Remember to find a new to carry on

Flew so high last night
I think that I fell to the ground so heavy
Woke up to find this living hell
It used to be so easy
Hard to tell my nights now from my days
The curtains hide my feelings
Don't feel I have any right to pray
And they will find me someday, Someday

So burn it down
Discover the dusk of your day
Has reached its dawn
So burn it down
Remember to find a new to carry on
So burn it down
Discover the dusk of your day
Has reached its dawn
So burn it down
Remember to find a new to carry on

And whatever takes us anyway
Will be the same to drive us on
Remember to find a new day

So burn it down
Discover the dusk of your day
Has reached its dawn
So burn it down
Remember to find a new to carry on
So burn it down
Discover the dusk of your day
Has reached its dawn
So burn it down
Remember to find a new to carry on

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Other Alter Bridge song Lyrics
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  • Down To My Last
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  • Watch Your Words
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  • Shed My Skin
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    I live with the memories regret is my home
    This is my true freedom
    Express all the feelings of what I've become..."
  • Find The Real
    "Stuck in the middle
    I burrow inside
    Back to the cradle
    Away from the burdens..."
  • Metalingus
    "I've been defeated and brought down
    Dropped to my knees when hope ran out
    The time has come to change my ways
    On this day I see clearly everything has come to life..."
  • ...Show All
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