Amel Larrieux - Sacred Lyrics

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Artist: Amel Larrieux
Amel Larrieux Author
Album: Bravebird (2004)
Amel Larrieux - Bravebird Album
Song Title: Sacred
Genre: R&B: Soul
Visits: 1123
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Is there nothing sacred anymore?
when celebrities are deified
and we're still calling some countries third world
and crimes against little ones
are punished with little laws

and girls are taught to hide their curves
as though they're flaws
and other girls are taught to expose them
but not own them

and boys are taught they can own it all

Is there nothing sacred anymore?
in the 21st century
and I still get followed 'round in stores
and governments are using our money for
reasons other than what they say they're using it for
and small countries fold as their
big debt keeps on growing and
silent pain is golden under the guise of religion

and boys are taught they can own it all

Is there nothing sacred anymore?
well maybe there never was, at all

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Other Amel Larrieux song Lyrics
  • For Real
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    I can breathe you, I can drink in your laugh
    I can, I can live on your smile..."
  • Bravebird
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    Lies a desert with the footprints
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  • Dear To Me
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    As the earth is to the trees
    I couldn't drift away from your love because it's
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  • All I Got
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    got these legs..."
  • Beyond
    "Across the room
    across the street
    across the water where the two big blues meet
    across the widest space til you reach infinity..."
  • We Can Be New
    "Can you tell that I've been hurt so?
    Can you tell I wanna lay low?
    Can you tell that I'm a flower
    Waiting for a sunshower?..."
  • Giving Something Up
    "VERSE 1
    '76 when a man
    Told his wife 'baby doll sorry i can't stay'
    Left with 5 kids she was forced to become..."
  • Your Eyes
    "Your eyes greeted mine
    And whispered softly, slowly
    A secret only for me
    Your eyes took there sweet time..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Bravebird" album, click "Amel Larrieux Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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