Amel Larrieux - Shine Lyrics

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Artist: Amel Larrieux
Amel Larrieux Author
Album: Infinite Possibilities (1999)
Amel Larrieux - Infinite Possibilities Album
Song Title: Shine
Genre: Rock
Visits: 978
Print Version



I make some decisions that could mess up in my life

I put my trust in some elusive people, now I see through their disguise

I've come back to the real wold

And put my bitterness behind

Cause they spend the night asleep as I creep on, And No one's taking mine!

Promises Broken, River is waking

There are so many mountains I have to climb

I got this feeling something is waiting

Destiny's changing, I'm about to shine

Experiences dawn, they are all I need to take me far.

See I can mingle with my enemies' cause now I know who they are

I'm stronger then I ever been

Not to be crucified

And they are just around the corner trying to bring me down

But I never make the same mistakes twice!

Promises Broken, River is waking

There are so many mountains I have to climb

I got this feeling something is waiting

Destiny's changing, I'm about to shine

Oh, Shine!

Oh, Shine!

Oh, Shine!

Oh, Shine!

Promises Broken(broken), River is waking

There are so many mountains I have to climb

I got this(I got this) feeling something is waiting

Destiny's changing, I'm about to shine

I'm about to shine!

Promises Broken, River is waking

There are so many (Shine!)mountains I have to climb

(Shine!)I got this feeling something is waiting

Destiny's changing, I'm about to shine

Promises Broken, River is waking

There are so many mountains I have to climb

I got this feeling something is waiting

Destiny's changing, I'm about to shine

Promises Broken, River is waking

There are so many mountains I have to climb

I got this feeling something is waiting

Destiny's changing, I'm about to shine

Promises Broken, River is waking

There are so many(shine) mountains I have to climb

I got this feeling something is waiting

Destiny's changing, I'm about to shine


Promises Broken, River is waking

There are so many mountains I have to climb

I got this feeling something is waiting

Destiny's changing, I'm about to shine

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  • We Can Be New
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    Can you tell I wanna lay low?
    Can you tell that I'm a flower
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  • Giving Something Up
    "VERSE 1
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  • Your Eyes
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    Your eyes took there sweet time..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Infinite Possibilities" album, click "Amel Larrieux Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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