American Culture eXperiments - Injustice Lyrics

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Artist: American Culture eXperiments
Song Title: Injustice
Visits: 823
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Injustice runs rampant in society
You can even find it in our own pretty democracy

Run!Well no!
Or hide in a 9 to 5 and don't care to know

Impoverished and homeless don't have a choice
Well, why should they? The money took their voice
And it flows

Only prepare at the next media scare...
Turn the TV on and tune out the sun
Opinions decisions seem so black and white
When we allow the media to chose our fight
Never talk of sex but condemn all abortion
Christian message is warped in transmitted distortion
Fell the sea sickening rush of the great capitalist flush
Spiraling down

The destruction of all that's in our way
When times get rough its time to pray

A Nation of greed
American apathy
A path and a blown away seed
Promoting self is the American way

Globalization of greed
Spiritual apathy
A path and a hollow seed
Structural collapse is on the way

We're living, survival of the richest
Echoes rise up from the pit
As the pendulum cuts them down
And our American world, spins around

Money makes money, while the poor can only get poorer
Our economic equations include the bottom mans horror
Some free men sit in prisons while some slaves sit in office
Prejudice issues manage to linger
We need reconciliation not pointing a finger
So what is our ticket out now
Where do we find truth?
Many have lost their minds or died
So we could indulge in our American pride
And now we glance at some at the corner
Who have been discarded and junked away
And forced they work up scams
To exist with me and you another day

Consume. Pollute. Hate. Destroy

Let go of possession, fear and pride

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    The face of this race
    The work of creation shouting out
    Do you see the same or do you see..."
  • Keep Me
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    Free to be lost and disconnected
    Given as much value as free things often are..."
  • ...Show All

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