American Hi-Fi - This Is The Sound Lyrics
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American Hi-Fi Singer Lyrics
This Is The Sound Song Lyrics
American Hi-Fi
The Art of Losing (2003)
Song Title:
This Is The Sound
Rock: Alternative
Print Version
Empty hearts can fill an empty room
Because of you
The sky above remaining clear and blue
Its nothing new
The radio keeps playing static of favorite songs
Why does everyone keep on bringing me back to you?
And this is the sound
Of the broken down
And this is the last train home
The home beyond your ground
And this is the fall
Dont catch me if I fall
Just catch me when I fall
Back to the ground
Lightning crashes all around me now
I hear its sound
Broken wings can carry us
To where people stare
Fall asleep against the window pane
Outside the rain covers everyone
Now were never gonna see the sun
And this is the sound
Of the broken down
And this is the last train home
The home beyond your ground
The your sound
And this is the fall
Dont catch me if I fall
Just catch me when I fall
Dont catch me if I fall
Back to the ground
If you wanted to stay
Ill have you any day
And if you wanted to stay
Ill have you any way
And this is the sound
Of the broken down
And this is the last train home
The home beyond your ground
And this is the fall
Dont catch me if I fall
Just catch me when I fall
Back to the ground
And this is the sound
This is the sound
And this is the fall
Dont catch me if I fall
Just catch me when I fall
Dont catch me if I fall
This Is The Sound Lyrics
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Other American Hi-Fi song Lyrics
"I need a better way to get my head straight
It's not like anybody would know
Gotta silver cloud high above me
Running circles around and round me..."
Flavor Of The Week
"American Hi-Fi
Flavor Of The Week
she'll wash her hair
his dirty clothes are all he gives to her..."
A Bigger Mood
"I need a bigger mood
To block out the sun
I don't wanna see what I've become
And you could fight your way..."
Safer On The Outside
"I'm no good
I feel too small
Something's gonna burn
Sink on you..."
Im A Fool
"Got nothing to loose this time
And I'm bored with the same old lines
I never know what to do or what to say to you
One look and you'll knock me out..."
Hi-Fi Killer
"I wanna turn you on again
Turn you around and maybe then tune you out
I don't know how to make it real
WhaT ever you want it's not big deal..."
Blue Day
"I wanna get out when everything's alright
Can't you see I'm a wreck gonna crash and burn
I wanna get out I've done my time
If you fuck with me I might blow your mind yeah..."
My Only Enemy
"I don't ever try
To keep the love alive
I've found the frequency
You sucked it out of me..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Art of Losing" album, click "
American Hi-Fi Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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