American Idol - Stuff Like That There Lyrics

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Artist: American Idol
Song Title: Stuff Like That There
Visits: 763
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I was alone on a shelf
In a world by myself
Oh, where could my prince charming be
But a man came along
Made my life like a song
And taught me these words of ecstasy

I want some huggin' and some squeezin'
And some muggin' and some teasin'
And some stuff like that there
I want some pettin' and some spoonin'
And some happy honeymoonin'
And some stuff like that there

I used to think that love
Was just a lot of rubbish
A mess o' cabbage, a mess o' cabbage
But now my attitude is
Wholly lovey dovish
And baby, you, you've done it


I used to think romance was bunk
A double mickey a double icky
But all at once my heart was sunk
And baby, you, you've done it

I want some huggin' and some teasin
And some muggin' and some squeezin'
And some stuff like that there

I want some weepin' and some chasin'
And some sweepin' and some pacin'
And some stuff like that there

And when I get a certain feelin' I confess it
I really only know one expression to express it
I want some huggin', squeezin', muggin', teasin'
And some stuff
I want some stuff like that there

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