American Music Club - Its Your Birthday Lyrics

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Artist: American Music Club
Song Title: Its Your Birthday
Visits: 837
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The eyes of the world see what they want to see
People always boil things down to nothing
They'll see your love as worthless and wrong
They eyes of the world leave you with nothing

It's your birthday baby
Here's a gift you should take it
It's your birthday baby
Here's a gift you should unwrap it
It's your birthday baby
Here's some luck you should grab it
It's your birthday baby
Here's a smile you should unwrap it

There's still a few drinks between you and closing time
If you break her heart you'll break your own
Are you afraid that all her roads led right you
Are you afraid that all your roads led right to her

It's your birthday baby
Here's a gift you should take it
It's your birthday baby
Here's a gift you should unwrap it
It's your birthday baby
Here's some luck you should grab it
It's your birthday baby
Here's a smile you should unwrap it

No matter how long you stay with her
You know she loves you
You could make her pain count for something
Even though she hasn't been a girl for very long
Her heart is beautiful, beautiful and strong

It's your birthday baby
Here's a gift you should take it
It's your birthday baby
Here's a gift you should unwrap it
It's your birthday baby
Here's some luck you should grab it
It's your birthday baby
Here's a smile you should unwrap it

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Other American Music Club song Lyrics
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    "So many things I'm going through
    So much that I wanna do
    It startin to become so clear to me
    Tomorrow ain't really what it seems..."
  • Animal Pen
    "Giving up that's the easy part
    Turn your pockets out
    Tear your room apart
    But you can't find anything..."
  • Apology For An Accident
    "When you left you took all memory of me with
    Leaving me with no hope of every being loved
    And now like the air i'm blowing and blowing
    With no hope of ever being seen..."
  • Asleep
    "Now that we've perfected the art of love
    Now all the lights shine on me and misery
    My good friend misery
    You can be cured by a single touch..."
  • At My Mercy
    "I hold your dress, your dress is blue
    I'm a coin that fell into the sea
    Now stumbling around, i'm lost from view
    Do you know what became of me..."
  • Bad Liquor
    "Bad liquor, bad liquor
    Who took the good out of the bottle
    Salt water, salt water
    The moon, that moon..."
  • Big Night
    "Big nights are black and blue
    They get cold and they get wet
    And they're calling out for you
    Like no one you ever met..."
  • Blue & Grey Shirt
    "I sat up all morning and I waited for you
    With my blue and grey shirt on
    Yeah I thought that's my lucky one
    I'll sit and face the road now..."

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