American Music Club - The Presidents Test For Physical Fitness Lyrics

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Artist: American Music Club
Song Title: The Presidents Test For Physical Fitness
Visits: 808
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Once upon a time me and vudi met
A major american rock star in a shop
We were immediately jealous of his hair
And his fuel-injected sports cock

He made the usual stupid sexual jokes
About the way he comes on top
But i could tell it was a lie
By the way that he walked

How did you pass the presiden'ts test
Even if i can't match your ability to compete
At least give me a chance to cheat

He said, "are you losers making fun
Of our serious vocation?
You just gotta bring the music to the people man
And then go score a hole in one."

The pleasures of a treadmill and the factory
Took all the innocence from his eyes
Leaving him to spurt unashamed
By the size of his dull suprise

How did you pass the presiden'ts test
I never felt honest telling those virutous lies
And my toupee always gets into my eyes

How do you pass the president's test
I don't even want to know my score
I don't know who's telling me the truth anymore

I said, "the only thing that we're good for
Is being forgotten."
And i know you're big enough of a star
To make sure that the job gets done

How do you pass the president's test
I swear one day they'll build a monument
To the man with the most reasons for his embarassment

How do you pass the president's test
No i don't even want to know my score
I don't know who's telling me the truth anymore

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    I'm a coin that fell into the sea
    Now stumbling around, i'm lost from view
    Do you know what became of me..."
  • Bad Liquor
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    Who took the good out of the bottle
    Salt water, salt water
    The moon, that moon..."
  • Big Night
    "Big nights are black and blue
    They get cold and they get wet
    And they're calling out for you
    Like no one you ever met..."
  • Blue & Grey Shirt
    "I sat up all morning and I waited for you
    With my blue and grey shirt on
    Yeah I thought that's my lucky one
    I'll sit and face the road now..."

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