American Pearl - Giveaway Lyrics

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Artist: American Pearl
Song Title: Giveaway
Visits: 810
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I know you think everybody's wrong
To talk the walk and then talk right through our song
I swam a thousand years to meet you there
Well that's how it feels when nobody cares
But don't let go
Remember we're all rolling stones
Would you be satisfied
That's okay man we're all dyin'
To just give it away
Sorry it don't live here anymore
You know just exactly what it's for
And i didn't feel like fallin' down today
When i couldn't bring myself up anyway
Don't let go
Remember we're all rolling stones
And you say they lied
Well that's okay man we're all dyin'
To just give it away

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  • If We Were Kings New Version
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    And we, had a dream we just might be, strong enough.
    To make it seem in our world that, we were kings
    we could be anything, do anything...."
  • ...Show All

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