American Pie 2 Soundtrack - Vertigo Lyrics

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Artist: American Pie 2 Soundtrack
Song Title: Vertigo
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song: American Hi-Fi

I'll do everything but your not that way
I'm lost around you
And you'll do everything with the same old lies
When I can't even try

Yea you get me high
I'm feeling so low
How far will you let me go
Yea you get me high
I'm feeling so low
I'm knocked down by the vertical

Nothing means a thing when your cold and gray
I fall behind you
I'll make the same mistakes with the same old lies
When I can't even fight

Yea you get me high
I'm feeling so low
How far will you let me go
Yea you get me high I'm feeling so low
I'm knocked down by the Vertigo

Yea you get me high
I'm feeling so low
How far will you let me go
Yea you get me high

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Other American Pie 2 Soundtrack song Lyrics
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    "Do do do do do
    Do do do do
    Do do do do do
    Do do do do do..."
  • Be Like That
    "He spends his nights in California,
    Watching the stars on the big screen
    Then he lies awake and he wonders,
    Why can't that be me..."
  • Bring You Down
    "I feel frustration sometimes when the words don't come out right.
    Footprints in the Sand reveals to me a past scene of my life.
    Please stand by me through the thick and thin, though the trials of my life.
    He's dealing with me now......"
  • Everytime I Look For You
    "Never found out why you left him,
    but this answer begs a question,
    Too blind to see tomorrow,
    too broke to beg or borrow...."
  • Everywhere
    "Turn it inside out so I can see
    The part of you that's drifting over me
    And when I wake you're never there
    But when I sleep you're everywhere..."
  • Fat Lip
    "Storming through the party like my name was El ninio
    When I'm handgun out drinking in the back of an El camino
    As a kid, I was a skid and no one knew me by name.
    I trashed my own house party cause no body came...."
  • Good (For A Woman)
    "Leather skin
    Lately it's what i've been thinking about
    This alien girl from above
    We can share our love..."
  • Halo
    "And it's always little things
    That to the surface brings
    The comfort in the pain
    The fear behind the smile..."

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