Amethyst - Of Damnation In Reprise Lyrics

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Artist: Amethyst
Song Title: Of Damnation In Reprise
Visits: 814
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Look and you shall find in her eyes
A tale of damnation in reprise...

Doubt and hesitation, mandatory minds
Confusion and damnation are the only things she will find
Midst the cloudst, midst the dark blackened leaves
Unspoken words are the only thing she'll

Retrieve my soul, it still yearns for that day
Waiting anctiously to be taken away
To satisfaction, which leads to the kingdom of vain
A place where people can quietly go insane

A collusion of minds, which were no longer teached
To be broken by the promise that was hidden in me
Whisper my name, and secretly desire
Gargantuan oblivion rages out of the fire

Doubt and hesitation, mandatory minds
Confusion and damnation are the only things she will find
Midst the cloudst, midst the dark blackened leaves
Unspoken words are the only thing she'll

Retrieve my soul, it still yearns for that day
Waiting anctiously to be taken away
To satisfaction, which leads to the kingdom of vain
A place where people can quietly go insane

Embrace the sound of the nocturnal children
For they shall and they will be your only way

She must retain her inner thoughts
Never let them fade away
Dark raven haired under my spell
Until my minute of decay

Whisper my name
A kiss of immortal delight
When lightning struck
Thunder by moonlight

She must retain her inner thoughts
Never let them fade away
Dark raven haired under my spell
Until my minute of decay

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Other Amethyst song Lyrics
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    Those final words of certainty are graven in my mind
    Reality is closing in as I realize the pain forever
    A moment of despair, the guilt is everywhere..."
  • Enslavement In Sorrow
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    Don't expect me to understand your choice
    The grave forgives mistakes eternally due
    Forever enslaved to the grimness of my soul..."
  • Fear
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    I go insane, wishing for the light
    The thorns as a burden around my soul
    Bury the present struggle for sight..."
  • Forlorn Fatality
    "The dream we once lived
    Died in rage drenched in blood
    Subdued emotions burn out of my mind
    We killed the love we once cared..."
  • Gravitation of Night
    "Tormented by the sun
    Afraid of the dawn
    Living in a land, that is forgotten and gone
    The rising of the sun..."
  • Last Touch
    "I need to break from my chains
    From all that binds me down
    The suffered self, the sorrowed pain
    I need a knife to cut me free..."
  • Mistress Of Gordon
    "Laying, gazing on the midnight sky
    Upon clowdy mountainpeak supine
    Below, ruined lands are seen trembling
    Her horror and beauty are divine..."
  • My Land Beyond
    "My black, mourning moods
    Caught in the thickened mist
    Echoing, through these woods
    Wherein I unveilded, endlessly wished..."

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