Ami Suzuki - Dont Need To Say Good Bye Lyrics
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Dont Need To Say Good Bye Song Lyrics
Ami Suzuki
Song Title:
Dont Need To Say Good Bye
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Supiido ageru kuruma ni yurare machi no mabushii hikari ga yooku nattemo
You don't need to say good bye itsu made demo
You don't need to say good bye kono mama demo
You don't need to say good bye sotsugyou demo
You don't need to say good bye kono mama demo
Rajio sae nani wo itteru no ka migi kara hidari e to toorisugiteru
Tell me why you still feel loneliness
Tell me why you are still alone
Tell me why you still feel loneliness
Tell me why you are still alone
Doushite totsuzen yobidashita no
Hohoemi wasureta kuchibiru de kanashii koto nara iwanaide
Anata no kotoba wo matte iru
Ichibyou sae mune ga tsumaru yoru ga itai oh...
You don't need to say good bye itsu made demo
You don't need to say good bye kono mama demo
You don't need to say good bye sotsugyou demo
You don't need to say good bye kono mama demo
Tell me why you still feel loneliness
Tell me why you are still alone
Tell me why you still feel loneliness
Tell me why you are still alone
Kuruma todaeta yoru no burijji haruka nagameta birugai tada futarikiri
You don't need to say good bye itsu made demo
You don't need to say good bye kono mama demo
You don't need to say good bye sotsugyou demo
You don't need to say good bye
Doushite totsuzen damarikomu no
Samishiku suru nara saisho kara yasashii mama nara saigo made
Kawarzu ni watashi wo mitsumetete
Koe ni narazu kokoro no naka inotte iru oh...
You don't need to say good bye itsu made demo
You don't need to say good bye kono mama demo
Tell me why you still feel loneliness
Tell me why you are still alone
Tell me why you still feel loneliness
Tell me why you are still alone
You don't need to say good bye sotsugyou demo
You don't need to say good bye kono mama demo
You don't need to say good bye itsu made demo
You don't need to say good bye kono mama demo
Tell me why you still feel loneliness
Tell me why you are still alone
You don't need to say good bye itsu made demo
You don't need to say good bye kono mama demo
You don't need to say good bye
You don't need to say good bye
Dont Need To Say Good Bye Lyrics
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Other Ami Suzuki song Lyrics
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