Amitri Del - Sometimes I Just Have To Say Your Name Lyrics
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Amitri Del Singer Lyrics
Sometimes I Just Have To Say Your Name Song Lyrics
Amitri Del
Change Everything (1992)
Song Title:
Sometimes I Just Have To Say Your Name
Print Version
With the sweet drip of every raindrop
Time brings you closer to me
And with each new sign at every train-stop
Another hour without you is consigned to history
And with each tick of my alarm clock
I get crazy for the days to get to you
When I can hold you and kiss you and have you
Instead of staring at some photo like a fool
But as day turns to night there's this hopelessness to fight
When I think that I might not make it through
But honey sometimes I just have to say your name
To hear it hanging in the air, to know it sounds the same
And sometimes when I'm blue, I know just what to do
To keep the blues at bay you know I only have to say your name
So this morning I picked up the paper
In the useless descent of the rain
While partners in heartbreak the whole world over
Lie and cheat just the same
And the headlines proclaim everything has changed
Love can't save you now
As each little motion of my writswatch
Holds up my faith somehow
But as day turns to night there's this hopelessness to fight
When I think that I might not make it through
But honey sometimes I just have to say your name
To hear it hanging in the air, to know it sounds the same
And sometimes when I'm blue, I know just what to do
To keep the blues at bay you know I only have to say your name
When I've used up all my patience
When your letters have been read twenty times through
I can drink all the wine in this place of mine
But it ain't no replacement
It ain't no replacement for you
Sometimes I Just Have To Say Your Name Lyrics
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Other Amitri Del song Lyrics
Some Other Suckers Parade
"I must've had a million damn unlucky days
But there ain't no cloud that a bottle can't chase away
I've done my deal of living, ran from place to place
But when the roof comes in I don't wanna take it straight..."
Driving With The Brakes On
"Driving through the long night
Trying to figure who's right and who's wrong
Now the kid has gone. I sit belted up tight,
She sucks on a match light, glowing bronze, steering on...."
Always The Last To Know
"So you're in love with someone else
Someone who burns within your soul
And it looks like I'm the last to know
I hear you've never felt so alive..."
Hatful Of Rain
"Lovehearts on an old stone building
Have no relevance now
Sherry bottles in a bus-stop litter bin
Remind me of you somehow..."
Here and Now
"Hey I'm with you, let me just get you a light
And if we'd thought to listen
We might have checked if the weather was right
And I don't mind if you want to drive all day..."
Move Away Jimmy Blue
"A struck match faded like a nervous laugh
Beyond the halo of a naked bulb
Your low voice mingles with your other half's;
Schoolfriends in second-hand clothes..."
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"Look around your world pretty baby
Is it everything you hoped it'd be
The wrong guy, the wrong situation
The right time to roll to me..."
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"Everybody in the funhouse
Says they want out
But we're taking our time
'Cos we're in love with time..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Change Everything" album, click "
Amitri Del Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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