Ammons Angela - Pretend Lyrics

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Artist: Ammons Angela
Song Title: Pretend
Visits: 798
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I believed in once upon a times
Happy ever after fairy tales.
I believed a love I thought was mine,
Never thought this heart could be so frail.
All the shades you are have been shown.
When somebody sees them, you will be alone.
Will anybody know who I am?
When I fall in love will he be my best friend?
Does anybody really know who you are?
Or do they sometimes pretend they do?
Silver futures that I'm searching for.
Is love lucky or is it blind?
Round and round the seasons pass you by
The same thing happens
time and time again I'm asking why.
Will anybody know who I am?
When I fall in love will he be my best friend?
Does anybody really know who you are?
Or do they sometimes pretend they do?
Does love pretend too?
The tears have helped release the fears inside.
They tell me I will a find a love,
And now I'm in a place
where all the shades you are have been shown.
And still here I am all alone.
Does anybody really know who I am?
When I fall in love will he be my best friend?
Does anybody really know who you are?
Or do they sometimes pretend they do?
Does love pretend too?
Does love pretend too

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Other Ammons Angela song Lyrics
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  • Big Girl
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    Stop treating me like a kid..."
  • When It Doesnt Matter
    "I'm everything, you never wanted
    Why does it mean so much to you
    I'm walking away
    Not begging you to please let me stay..."

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