Amoeba - Limbo Lyrics

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Artist: Amoeba
Song Title: Limbo
Visits: 935
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I'm falling more than over
I'm yet to hit the ground
This vision here before me
Has got me heading for the town

You make me not know what is what
You turn my world upside down
So all that I can see is the room
Spinning round and round

What's the colour of the sun today
Or is that the moon it's hard to say
I can see my nose but I can't smell my eyes
It you, you've got me hypnotised

I'm falling more than over
My head has split in three
Unbroken mirror stares me down
But your face is all I see

Make me not know what is what
You turn my world upside down
So all that I can see is the room
Spinning round and round

What's the colour of the sun today
Or is that the moon it's hard to say
I can see my nose but I can't smell my eyes
It you, you've got me hypnotised

When I opened up the door
She met my eyes
And Oh to my surprise
I saw you movin
And I saw you groovin
You were laying it down like a fox on the trott
And boy you were looking hot
And I started loosing
All sense of reason
So I pinched myself
And I slapped my face
And oh to my disgrace
I started bleedin
When you started leaving
And she looked at me
And she said with a smile
Use that thing with a dial
Here have my number
We can do the rumba (rumba)

You make me not know what is what
You turn my world upside down
So all that I can see is the room
Spinning round and round

What's the colour of the sun today
Or is that the moon it's hard to say
I can see my nose but I can't smell my eyes
It you, you've got me hypnotised

What's the colour of the sun today (whats the colour)-ac

Limbo Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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  • Filbert
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  • Introduction
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    Hello good to see ya
    Glad you came
    We're gonna play for you..."
  • Juxtapose
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    Just broke up with you on the phone
    I could sit and cry here all night long
    But what would that achieve but..."
  • Lucky Day
    "Look around
    Make it familiar to ya
    Feel the sounds
    That we are pumping through ya..."
  • Mom Is Home
    "Once upon a time, in the deep forest of scwartzhworth,
    seven little kids was home alone, and then, the wolf came knocking
    on the door. This is the sound of moe.
    Mom is home, but you can open the door,..."
  • ...Show All

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