Amorphis - Vulgar Necrolatry Cd Bonus Track Lyrics

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Artist: Amorphis
Amorphis Author
Song Title: Vulgar Necrolatry Cd Bonus Track
Visits: 1374
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(lyrics: J. Ahlroth)
(music: T. Koivusaari)

Erosion of life I see
it makes the passion burn in me
Life it always withers away
Death will eternally stay

Corpses in their coffins
forever rest in peace ?
There sleeping with the aspergillus
is this justice to the dead ?

The atrocious sight of burial ecremony
Christians weeping for the departed
They won't understand, they should envy them !

The deceased they know, if there's a paradise
Or shall we feel, the purgatory !
I open the graves, admire the rot
I can feel the presence, of something beyond

Aureola of nauseating reek
Wings of shriveled skin
Holy beauty of a carcass
Divine sight for me to gaze upon !

Necrolatic ! Reverence for putrefaction
Necrolatic ! reverence for the stench

I kneel, before a carrion
I pray, before the dead
I know, they shall rise
I fear, for the scourge
I revere, power of the dead

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