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Lucky Oneag Song Lyrics
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Long time since Ive seen you smile But when I close my eyes I remember (I remember), mmm You were no more than a child But then so was I, young and tender. Time carries on I guess it always will Deep inside my heart Time stands still. Stay for a while Well, its good to see your smile And I love the company Stay for a while And remember the days gone by For a moment it can seem Just the way it used to be. Snowfalls, phone calls, broken hearts Clear summer days, warm and lazy, yea Long walks, long talks after dark We felt wed never forget Now its easy. Time takes its toll And time alters our youth It would be nice to spend some Time with you. Oh, stay for a while Well, its good to see your smile And I love the company (Oh) Stay for a while And remember the days gone by For a moment it can seem Just the way it used to be. (repeat and end)
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