Anansie Skunk - I Can Dream Lyrics

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Artist: Anansie Skunk
Anansie Skunk Author
Album: Paranoid and Sunburnt (1995)
Anansie Skunk - Paranoid and Sunburnt Album
Song Title: I Can Dream
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 885
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I'll be your sailor girl
I'll tip my cap to your parade
Life won't be dreary no
I'll be the waves inside your bed

Pain is your beauty
It hurts the vision in our eyes
Your eyes are smiling now
They watch me cry, they watch me die, watch me die

I can dream, I can dream
I can dream that I'm someone else
I can love, I can love
I can love - whoa - love someone else
My saviour, my darling

Your eyes seep through me
You think you hate the way I mince
I'm screwing yours dreams now
So cynical at your expense

Oh what a sacrifice
All of my dreams will melt away
So who's so special now
No one's more special, more than me, more than me

I can dream, I can dream
I can dream that I'm someone else
I can love, I can love
I can love - whoa - love someone else
I can dream, I can dream
I can dream that I'm someone else
I can love, I can love
I can love - whoa - love someone else

My saviour, my saviour, my darling, my darling
My saviour, my saviour, my darling, my darling
I can dream, I can dream
I can love, I can love

I can dream, I can dream
I can dream that I'm someone else
I can love, I can love
I can love - whoa - love someone else

I can dream, I can dream
I can dream that I'm someone else
I can love, I can love
I can love - whoa - love someone else

I can dream, I can dream
I can dream that I'm someone else
I can love, I can love
I can love - whoa - love someone else

My darling, my saviour
My darling, my saviour
I'll tip my cap to your parade
Life won't be dreary no
I'll be the waves inside your bed

Pain is your beauty
It hurts the vision in your eyes
Your eyes are smiling now
They watch me cry, they watch me die, watch me die

I can dream, I can dream
I can dream that I'm someone else
I can love, I can love
I can love - whoa - love someone else
My saviour, my darling

Your eyes seep through me
You think you hate the way I mince
I'm screwing yours dreams now
So cynical at your expense

Oh what a sacrifice
All of my dreams will melt away
So who's so special now
No one's more special, more than me, more than me

I can dream, I can dream
I can dream that I'm someone else
I can love, I can love
I can love - whoa - love someone else
I can dream, I can dream
I can dream that I'm someone else
I can love, I can love
I can love - whoa - love someone else

My saviour, my saviour, my darling, my darling
My saviour, my saviour, my darling, my darling
I can dream, I can dream
I can love, I can love

I can dream, I can dream
I can dream that I'm someone else
I can love, I can love
I can love - whoa - love someone else

I can dream, I can dream
I can dream that I'm someone else
I can love, I can love
I can love - whoa - love someone else

I can dream, I can dream
I can dream that I'm someone else
I can love, I can love
I can love - whoa - love someone else

My darling, my saviour
My darling, my saviour

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Paranoid and Sunburnt" album, click "Anansie Skunk Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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