Anatomy Of A Ghost - Since Yesterday Lyrics

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Artist: Anatomy Of A Ghost
Song Title: Since Yesterday
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walls crash down around us standing atop the ocean these breaking waves threaten to drown the world and this canvas of sheets so ethereal morning comes to breakfast please tell me before I wake. Its tied down so I dont forget to breathe one masquerade for the last parade so these hands back down lungs fill the blood you never told me you hate me but you showed it so well and this wont be the last time take your time dont regret the fall ends shortly no we wont be holding on or holding out for you just take your time it was all your choice we lost you climbing up you were so sure so confident you could jump off and just float away but dont expect to be saved now pretend that Im back to the please tell me how. Hearts dont forget to break walls crossed behind we fall down the bridges that carry us home.

<font size=1>Thanks to <b></b> for these lyrics</font>

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Other Anatomy Of A Ghost song Lyrics
  • Beauty Is In Its Embrace
    "inside display of broken wings so smooth porcelain face cracks and flakes away turns pulse flying down telephone lines to the pictures on your wall burning on contact and the branches were stripped under winters numb with the breath that was the fire burning through the room and we wont come back under back drop of mountains above pastels in flames that crawl up time wont stop for loss it hits the back seat tearing fabric from the lines till the clouds some to swallow the night leaving less piled on the floor this one hands you the all we fall
    <font size=1>Thanks to <b></b> for these lyrics</font>

  • Birth of a Mile
    "<font size=1>Thanks to <b>Seanfat</b> for these lyrics</font>

  • Distress In The Control Tower
    "We're surrounded
    The fields have been cut off with stars and black windmills
    The ticking clock spins out of control..."
  • In Case of Furture Complication
    "Rewrite the book
    chapter three will be empty
    pure white and hidden in the shadows
    one voice moving lips are absent whispers..."
  • In Case of Future Complications
    "Rewrite the book
    Chapter three will be empty
    Pure white and hidden in the shadows
    One voice moving lips are absent whispers..."
  • Last Transmission
    "<font size=1>Thanks to <b>Seanfat</b> for these lyrics</font>

  • On To Morning Stars
    "We flail on to morning stars
    We'll offer all of ourselves just not to close our eyes
    Seize onto the sun as it rises in the east
    Ascend to open doors hanging heavenly..."
  • Satellites in Fists
    "Stop to question satellites lost in vast expansions of space place it in fists finding more than we asked for misconceptions reflective glance into what we should have known it was right there. If you could have just flown by unnoticed, unchallenged we would still have careless wonder left in our eyes now we just wait to see behind yours behind eyes these sidewalks twist and tremble under the new found failures swirls of red and gray mixtures of the brick inlay, tear the clouds bring on the rain watching faces fall everyday letting it wash them down we never thought to little just not enough so now back to present found at the tops of rock walls where the spires climb so tall the wheat fields growing all to much importance of fate, of faith bridges collapse behind us leaving no way out still lost in thought we find none of this bothersome not troubling whatsoever claim whats ours the headlights ahead are in blinking confirmation offering reassurance we were right take it back down this is me hanging from a nail, missing the broken frame and burnt edges face cut out between two worlds, the first so obviously surreal and the other so lifelike yet so dead and true but which should we choose, holding our feet, building our cities
    <font size=1>Thanks to <b>Seanfat</b> for these lyrics</font>


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