Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe - Order Of The Universe Lyrics

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Artist: Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe
Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe Author
Album: Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe (1989)
Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe - Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe Album
Song Title: Order Of The Universe
Genre: Experimental
Visits: 843
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i Order Theme
(Anderson / Howe / Wakeman / Bruford)

ii Rock Gives Courage
(Anderson / Howe / Wakeman / Bruford / Lawrence)
You don't need anybody, don't you give me that surprise
Everything about you inside your eyes
You don't need anybody in your family ties
You crossed over the river

You don't need any money to deserve all your friends
It's just the love you give them
You don't need anybody in this complicated life
You crossed over the river

And you're there on your own and you're lost in your life
And you think there's someone's gonna make you feel so good
You better lose control you better watch your step
For there's something inside you, they call it

Rock gives courage, a way to win the trust
Rock gives lover a way to win or bust

You don't need anybody in this complicated life
You crossed over the river

Rock gives courage, a way to with the trust
Rock gives lovers a way to win or bust

Rock gives sisters a way to speak their mind
Without this gift of rock and roll
We'd all be wasting time

iii It's So Hard To Grow
(Anderson / Howe / Wakeman / Bruford)
They say we've got it made, they say we gotta light
Where is the man with all the great directions

They say we gotta win, they say we gotta learn
But in the end it's just the same damn reason

They say you've gotta run, they say you gotta jump
Don't really need to know which way we're going

They say we gotta push, they say we gotta shout
Is this the way to keep our bonfires burning

Sick feeling, sick reasoning, sick challenge you la la la la
You can't imagine it, how hard it is to grow
You can't imagine it, can you imagine

The order of the universe

You don't need anybody, don't you give me that surprise
Everything about you inside your eyes
You don't need anybody in your family ties
You crossed over the river

You don't need any money to deserve all your friends
It's just the love you give 'em
You don't need anybody in the complicated life
You crossed over the river, you crossed over the river
You crossed over the river, you crossed over the river

iv The Universe
(Anderson / Howe / Wakeman / Bruford)
The order of the universe
The order of the universe

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    We haven't spoke in quite a while
    And all of the dreams that come true..."
  • Teakbois
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    Are free, let's all be where the angels
    Find us, we all have the key
    Shall we seal the truth of life..."
  • Lets Pretend
    "Let us be together, let's pretend that we
    Are free, let's all be where the angels
    Find us, we all have the key
    Shall we seal the truth of life..."
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