Anderson Jon - Building Bridges Lyrics
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Anderson Jon Singer Lyrics
Building Bridges Song Lyrics
Anderson Jon
Song Title:
Building Bridges
Print Version
Surely like you say the more we realize
Surely there'll come a time for letting go (before leting go)
Come a time building bridges
Come a time mending all that is
Now we build the bridges that we walk upon
Now we breathe the peace that connects us (us)
Speaking with the voice of understanding
Singing in the rhythmic science of the sky
The earth is waiting for a season change
To set the role of cross-culture wisdom
Better sounds you choose never let you down
Then you might easily turn around.
Now we build the bridges that we walk upon
Now we breathe the peace that connects us (us)
Speaking with the voice of understanding
Singing in the rhythmic science of the sky
Of the sky
Good day morning brother eagle
Good day wonder sister sky
We walk hand in hand with your love
We walk through this ancient line
Good day dreamers always dreaming
Good day moonlight all is form
We dance hand in hand with one love
We walk through this ancient land
Now we build the bridges that we walk upon
Now we breathe the peace that connects us us
Speaking with the voice of understanding
Singing in the rhythmic science of the sky
Surely like you say the more we realize
Surely there'll come a time before letting go
Come a time building bridges
Come a time mending all that is
Ooh yeah yeah yeah
Ooh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Now we build the bridges that we walk upon
Now we breathe the peace that connects us us
Speaking with the voice of understanding
Singing in the rhythmic science of the sky
Building Bridges Lyrics
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if you want to see other song lyrics from "Toltec" album, click "
Anderson Jon Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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