Anderson Jon - Song Of Seven Lyrics
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Anderson Jon Singer Lyrics
Song Of Seven Song Lyrics
Anderson Jon
Song Title:
Song Of Seven
Print Version
In the meeting place I sit beside, betwixt the points of heaven
I befell a friendly atmosphere revolving around seven
Oh, that number mystified my soul and captured within feelings
Those of doubt and understanding, hand in hand they set me reeling
Met me a stranger, he came here to town
Bearing gifts full of promises, discoveries of light
Said me many reasons why my merry tale
Could be justified and just both together entwined
I tell you a reason, he said, "Bless you, you fool, you fool"
You want "so belief," yet you want so much
More," you seeker
Now I see you're baffled, yet again you administer fear
Of the unexpected, you don't know the score
Everywhere you look you release parts of your senses
And everywhere there's purpose in answer to all your dreams
I can hear you saying what a dreamer, what a fool to life
Isn't it a pity that he won't come back to earth
Haven't you imagination, and is it not available
How you can be sooner or later than your thinking
Haven't you imagination and is it so impossible
That you ask of everything so your eyes can see clearly
So in an instant your story bound
A desert, the underground, on mountains high
A glacier, the heat of the day
City jungle, the sky at night
In space on a starry night
An atmosphere impossible
So you never really care
So we talk about the strength of dreams
And we talked at length of every dream
And we talked about the strength of dreams
And we talked about the strength of dreaming
I befell a friendly atmosphere revolving around seven
Oh, that number mystified my soul and captured within feelings
Those of doubt and understanding, hand to hand they set me reeling
In the seventh dream to stand alone
But not without the strength of love
To guide our way, everyday
Oh, the seventh dream, your smile can bring
Love on and on and time will
Flow forever clear
The seventh dream standing so near
And very soon
We'll walk with love
Love that I can sing to you
Is it this time of day that makes me realise
The sun is coming out to shine again
Is it this time of day that gives you hope
Is it this time of times that comes between the light
Are there so many dreamers in this life between a moment's time
And the stairways of love
The starlight
The starlight
Telling me that there's something to
Cling on to
Cling on to
Eric Wincentsen
Glendale Community College
Glendale, Arizona
"We want the airwaves
Song Of Seven Lyrics
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