Anderson Laurie - The Dream Before Lyrics

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Artist: Anderson Laurie
Anderson Laurie Author
Album: Strange Angels (1989)
Anderson Laurie - Strange Angels Album
Song Title: The Dream Before
Genre: Rock
Visits: 1056
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for Walter Benjamin)

Hansel and Gretel are alive and well
And they're living in Berlin
She is a cocktail waitress
He had a part in a Fassbinder film
And they sit around at night now
drinking schnapps and gin
And she says: Hansel, you're really bringing me down
And he says: Gretel, yu can really be a bitch
He says: I've wated my life on our stupid legend
When my one and only love
was the wicked witch.

She said: What is history?
And he said: History is an angel
being blown backwards into the future
He said: History is a pile of debris
And the angel wants to go back and fix things
To repair the things that have been broken
But there is a storm blowing from Paradise
And the storm keeps blowing the angel
backwards into the future
And this storm, this storm
is called


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    . They're watching out. Watch out. I see pictures of people. They're watching. They're watching out. I see pictures of people. Watching. Watch out. They're watching. I see pictures of people. Watching out. Watch out. Pictures of people. They're watching out.

  • Blue Lagoon
    "I got your letter. Thanks a lot. I've been getting lots of sun. And lots of rest. It's really hot. Days, I dive by the wreck. Nights, I swim in the blue lagoon. Always used to wonder who I'd bring to a desert island. Days, I remember cities. Nights, I dream about a perfect place. Days, I dive by the wreck. Nights, I swim in the blue lagoon. Full fathom five thy father lies. Of his bones are coral made. Those are pearls that were his eyes. Nothing of him that doth fade. But that suffers a sea change. Into something rich and strange. And I alone am left to tell the tale. Call me Ishmael. I got your letter. Thanks a lot. I've been getting lots of sun. And lots of rest. It's really hot. Always used to wonder who I'd bring to a desert island. Days, I remember rooms. Nights, I swim in the blue lagoon. I saw a plane today. Flying low over the island. But my mind was somewhere else. And if you ever get this letter. Thinking of you. Love and kisses. Blue Pacific. Signing off.

  • SharkeyS Night
    "Sun's going down. Like a big bald head.
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    You picked me up. We hit the road. Baby me and you...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Strange Angels" album, click "Anderson Laurie Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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