Andi Deris - 1000 Years Away Lyrics
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Andi Deris Singer Lyrics
1000 Years Away Song Lyrics
Andi Deris
1000 Years Away (1997)
Song Title:
1000 Years Away
Rock: Hard-Rock
Print Version
A little manchild
High up at the window
His trembling feet at the line
Hey little manchild
Do you see the people?
From high above they're so kind
Do you see the ravens?
It's you whom they're calling
"Come fly with me
We keep on wandering
And all the sorrows
Are simply staying here"
Fly with me over all nights and days
To the eternal place
Thereto where all are going
1000 years away
1000 years away
A little manchild
Lies there on the road
Why in God's name?
Hey little manchild
Do you see the people?
From down below they're so plain
Do you hear the ravens?
It's you whom they're calling
"Come fly with me
And all in morning all will be forgotten
And you were never here"
Fly with me over all nights and days
To the eternal place
Thereto where all are going
1000 years away
You'll be seeing where it's all begun
Who makes the world go round
There where we all meet one day
1000 years away
1000 years away
On the 7th of December, 1995, around 6:30 PM,
Peter flew with the birds. He was eleven years old.
In that same month, a further 3 children flew like Peter.
In the following year, 33 more followed.
Peter had many friends.
In his last letter he said good-bye to all of them.
Also to his mother - but not to his father...
Due to the impact with the ground, at the post-mortem,
Peter's body showed no sign of the terrible mistreatment he had suffered.
Later, in tears, his mother said that Peter - wherever he may now be -
Need no longer live in fear of his drunken father
1000 Years Away Lyrics
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Other Andi Deris song Lyrics
Somewhere, Someday, Someway
"I will find you some tomorrow
I will know you by your eyes
Then it will be easy to live on my life
Girl, I know you're out there, can you hear me say..."
Were Riding The Light
"Unbounded colours are drafting ahead
Lighten a future which we never had
We are the troopers
Riding through space until we die..."
Let Your Love Fly Free
"Listen brothers and sisters
I know that you cry
There is you and no others
And damn you know why..."
"My hair touch my shoulders
My eyes are iceblue
I walk in Mom's kitchen
With dirty wet shoes..."
The Best You Dont Need To Pay For
"Grey days
To be or not to be?
Who are we?
It's a mistery..."
"Should I break like my father?
Should I cry like my mother?
Had I stayed with the others
I had not found my brothers..."
Did It All For You
"There was a time
There was a place
Where every flesh was light and laughter
Did not need any nations..."
A Little Bit More Each Day
"It's like an open file
Spreading out
Burning higher
It's a game..."
...Show All
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