Andi Deris - Think Higher! Lyrics

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Artist: Andi Deris
Andi Deris Author
Album: [1997] Coming from The Rain (0)
Andi Deris - [1997] Coming from The Rain Album
Song Title: Think Higher!
Genre: Metal
Visits: 1120
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Everyone pictures to become somebody
You know, I know
One of a few changes grime into honey
Guess how, guess how
Don't believe it's fame and fortune
Don't believe it's karma leading to the end of the game

Think higher!
Believe in your desire
Define that you'll be strong
And nothing can go wrong
Think higher!

Kings have been conquered by bondsmen and servants
You know, I know
All is achieved by your own persuasion
That's shown, that's shown
All you need you'll find inside you
Use it and youu'll make your way into
The gain of the game

Think higher!
Believe in your desire
Define that you'll be strong
And nothing can go wrong
Think higher!
Obey your inner fire
Whatever you'll be through
The win belongs to you
Think higher!
The gain belongs to you

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    And damn you know why..."
  • Dangerous
    "My hair touch my shoulders
    My eyes are iceblue
    I walk in Mom's kitchen
    With dirty wet shoes..."
  • The Best You Dont Need To Pay For
    "Grey days
    To be or not to be?
    Who are we?
    It's a mistery..."
  • Free
    "Should I break like my father?
    Should I cry like my mother?
    Had I stayed with the others
    I had not found my brothers..."
  • Did It All For You
    "There was a time
    There was a place
    Where every flesh was light and laughter
    Did not need any nations..."
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