Andre Nickatina - Train With No Love Lyrics

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Artist: Andre Nickatina
Andre Nickatina Author
Album: Conversation With A Devil - CR3 (2003)
Andre Nickatina - Conversation With A Devil - CR3 Album
Song Title: Train With No Love
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 1157
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Yeah, all aboard...
All aboard

I know it feels insane on a train with no love
Drugs all deep in the brain on a train with no love
I know it feels insane on a train with no love
High and dry deep in the brain on a train with no love

Shit, I know it feels insane on a train with no love
Drugs all in the brain on a train with no love
I know it feels insane on a train with no love
Drugs all deep in the brain on a train with no love

[Verse 1]
...(?), me and Jay Lee, That's my homie and we up about a _ki_,
Business is good, got a new wife, I could do this for the rest of my life
Hang with stars, drive fast cars, still wear a vest for protection at the bar
Smoke me a spliff, talk big shit, never in my life will I ever will slip
Don't test me cuz I'm fast with the steel, bullets come hot but they make cats chill
Ready to kill if a cat comes short, nigga Lord have mercy dead on the porch
I gotta do this cuz I can't hesitate, if I do it too early then I'm comin' in late
Called Jay Lee, he said "Cool, Man I'm glad you got rid of that fool"
He said, "There's a concert goin' downtown, the Old Jay Whispers and James Brown"
"Before you come can you make this round, we got a package comin' off Greyhound"
I said, "We do? Why you didn't tell me?"
He said, "I was off with the family"
I thought for a sec then said "Okay"
That's the homie Jay Lee, that's the homie from the way
Got the information, got to the spot, picked up the drop then I got popped
They said "We got you", read me my rights, and all I could think about was my wife
Got to the station, called Jay Lee
He said "Ain't nothin' I can do for ya homie"
Hung up the phone, I heard the dial tone
Now I'm thinkin', "What the hell is goin' on?"

[Verse 2]
I had a good lawyer, I got five years, Jay Lee did it to boost his career
Gave me up, to get a bigger cut and I didn't even see it cuz I was caught up in the lust
Man this trial done made me broke, nobody's laughin' but I feel like a joke
My wife is there, she's filled with tears, She'll have a new man in five years
I got a cold heart, I ain't gon' lie, but that shit right there made me cry
Trapped in the cell, the first day in my cellmate shanked me in the back with a pen
I could feel it go in, I turned for revenge, he started screamin' I killed his friend
I started to shake, he started to fuss, he said "Over a god damn six hundred bucks!"
Man he could'a killed me, he started to laugh, he said I'm gonna have to live with my past
Let the demon sit up in my brain from bringin' that pain, from movin' that caine
I'm sittin' there bleedin', shit is misleadin', I'm in a hospital on the very first evening
Grittin' my teeth cuz life ain't sweet
Now I'm trapped in the belly of the beast, shit

[Verse 3]
Three sixty five, I did it five times and I walked out with Allah in my mind
No red meats, I'm back on the streets, thangs done changed, it's a new game
Cats that I knew that was into books had flipped the script and turned into crooks
Homies would say that the playa Jay Lee would always say good things about me
I say "Fo' real?", They say "Fo' real"
Too bad the homie died in a dope deal
"He left you a key for a mailbox, he said sorry 'bout somethin' then stopped"
I took the key to the mailbox, opened it up, and you know what?
Jay Lee left me ninety-two g's and a note that read what I please
"Forgive me friend, for I have sinned"
"Sometimes we forget what life we're in"
"I know money won't repay the hurt, but maybe it could wash away the dirt"
"Cuz we were born with hearts of gold, but as we get old, the heart gets cold"
I folded the note, and kept it with me so I could always be with the homie Jay Lee
I thought good things, like before I done drugs, and before the train with no love
I called my wife, she was surprised
She took me back, now how you love that?
And just like that, I'm out of the game
That was the last stop on that train
Shit, I'ma tell ya...
And that was the last stop on that train

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