Andreone Leah - Hell To Pay Lyrics

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Artist: Andreone Leah
Song Title: Hell To Pay
Visits: 850
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Written by leah andreone, david andreone, and rick neigher
If i didn't know your game
Would you lay me down and lie about your name
If things didn't go your way
Would you tell the lawyers you were just playing

If there were no hell to pay
I wonder would you still need a god

If the rich were weak
Would you fight for their lives
Without a marriage would you give up your wife
If you saw me coming would you take another route
In your house does difference stay out

If there were no hell to pay
I wonder would you still need a god
If there were no hell to pay
I wonder would you still need a god

Do you dig for gold
Would you sell your soul
What should we know
Who are you when you're alone

If my eyes were closed
Would you launch your stones

What should we know
Who are you when you are all alone

With the cameras off
Would you beat him till he's dead
If you found the cure
Would you make us beg

If no one had to work
Would you still get out of bed
If the bullet was for me
Would you take it in the head

If there were no hell to pay
I wonder would you still need a god
If there were no hell to pay
I wonder would you still need a god


If i believed in you and you believed in me
Would you still need a god
If no one cared would you sleep all day
Would you still need a god
If my eyes were closed would you launch your stones
Would you still need a god
With the cameras off would you beat him dead
Would you still need a god

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Other Andreone Leah song Lyrics
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    For you I'll bring the holy house down..."
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  • Imagining You
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  • Its Alright, Its Ok
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    And she says that life's a waste
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  • Kiss Me Goodbye
    "written by Leah Andreone and Rick Neigher
    Your arms
    Hold me aimlessly
    I can feel you..."
  • Mother Tongue
    "Mother tongue
    I speak that language
    There are no words
    but there is meaning..."
  • Problem Child
    "written by Leah Andreone and Rick Neigher
    Why won't you pay attention
    Pray every night I'll make you happy
    If I'm real bad will you punish me..."
  • ...Show All

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