Andrew Lloyd Webber - Go Go Go Joseph Lyrics

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Artist: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Andrew Lloyd Webber Author
Album: Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (1991)
Andrew Lloyd Webber - Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Album
Song Title: Go Go Go Joseph
Genre: Musical
Visits: 1801
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Joseph's luck was really out
His spirit and his fortune low
Alone he sat, alone he thought
Of happy times he used to know
First Man
Hey dreamer, don't be so upset
Second Man
Hey Joseph, you're not beaten yet
Narrator & Ensemble
Go, go go Joseph you know what they say
Hang on now Joseph you'll make it some day
Don't give up Joseph fight till you drop
We've read the book and you come out on top
Now into Joseph's prison cell
Were flung two very frightened men
Baker & Butler
We don't think that we will ever
See the light of day again
Hey Joseph, help us if you can
We've had dreams that we don't understand
Narrator & Ensemble
Both men were servants of Pharaoh the King
Both in the doghouse for doing their thing
One was a baker, a cook in his prime
One was a butler, the Jeeves of his time
Tell me of your dreams my friends
And I will tell you what they show
Though I cannot guarantee
To get it right, I'll have a go
First the butler, trembling took the floor
Nervously he spoke of what he saw
There I was standing in front of a vine
I picked some grapes and I crushed them to wine
I gave some to Pharaoh who drank from my cup
I tried to interpret but I had to give up
You will soon be free, my friend
So do not worry any more
The king will let you out of here
You'll buttle as you did before
Next the baker rose to tell his dream
Hoping it would have a similar theme
There I was standing with baskets of bread
High in the sky I saw birds overhead
Who flew to my baskets and ate every slice
Give me the message, like his would be nice
Sad to say your dream is not
The kind of dream I'd like to get
Pharaoh has it in for you
Your execution date is set
Don't rely on all I said I saw
It's just that I have not been wrong before
Go, go, go, go,
Go, go, go, go,
Go, go, go Joseph you know what they say
Hang on now Joseph you'll make it some day
Sha la la Joseph you're doing fine
You and your dreamcoat ahead of your time
Go, go, go Joseph you know what they say
Hang on now Joseph you'll make it some day
Sha la la Joseph you're doing fine
You and your dreamcoat ahead of your time
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go
Joseph you know what they say
Hang on now Joseph you'll make it some day
Sha la la Joseph you're doing fine
You and your dreamcoat ahead of your time
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go
Joseph you know what they say
Hang on now Joseph you'll make it some day
Sha la la Joseph you're doing fine
You and your dreamcoat ahead of your time
Ahead of your time
Ahead of my time
Ahead of your time
Ahead of my time
Ahead of your time
Ahead of my time
Ahead of your time
Ahead of my time
Ahead of your time
Ahead of my time
Ahead of your time
Joseph & Narrator
Ahead of my

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Other Andrew Lloyd Webber song Lyrics
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  • Think Of Me
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  • Angel Of Music
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  • The Phantom Of The Opera
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    In dreams he came...
    that voice which calls to me..."
  • The Music Of The Night
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    Darkness wakes
    and stirs imagination..."
  • All I Ask of You
    No more talk of darkness,
    forget these wide-eyed fears;
    I'm here, nothing can harm you,..."
  • The Point Of No Return
    Passarino - go away!
    For the trap is set and waits for
    its prey!..."
  • Any Dream Will Do
    I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain
    To see for certain what I thought I knew
    Far far away, someone was weeping..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" album, click "Andrew Lloyd Webber Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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