Andrew Lloyd Webber - Mr Mistoffolees Lyrics

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Artist: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Andrew Lloyd Webber Author
Album: Cats - Original London Cast (Disc 2) (1981)
Andrew Lloyd Webber - Cats - Original London Cast (Disc 2) Album
Song Title: Mr Mistoffolees
Genre: Soundtrack
Visits: 757
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You ought to ask Mr. Mistoffolees!
The original conjuring cat
The greatest magicians have something to learn
From Mister Mistoffolees' conjuring turn

And you'll all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees

He is quiet, he is small, he is black
From the ears to the tip of his tail
He can creep through the tiniest crack
He can walk on the narrowest rail
He can pick any card from a pack
He is equally cunning with dice
He is always deceiving you into believing
That he's only hunting for mice

He can play any trick with a cork
Or a spoon and a bit of fish paste
If you look for a knife or a fork
And you think it is merely misplaced
You have seen it one moment and then it's gone!
But you find it next week lying on the lawn

And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees

And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees

And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees

And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees

Well! My manner is vague and aloof
You would think there was nobody shyer
But voice has been heard on the roof
When I was curled up by the fire
And I've sometimes been heard by the fire
When I was about on the roof
At least they all heard that somebody purred
Which is uncontestable proof of my singular magical powers
And I've known the family to call me in from the garden for hours
While I was asleep in the hall

And not long ago this phenomenal cat
Produced seven kittens right out of a hat

And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees

And not long ago this phenomenal cat
Produced seven kittens right out of a hat

And we all say
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees

Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees
Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees

Oh! Well I never was there ever
A cat so clever as magical Mr. Mistoffolees

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the magical Mr. Mistoffolees

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Other Andrew Lloyd Webber song Lyrics
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    Some just don't have anything planned
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  • Think Of Me
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    think of me fondly, when
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    remember me..."
  • Angel Of Music
    "Bravi, bravi, bravissimi...
    Where in the world
    have you been hiding?
    Really, you were..."
  • The Phantom Of The Opera
    In sleep he sang to me,
    In dreams he came...
    that voice which calls to me..."
  • The Music Of The Night
    "Night time sharpens
    heightens each sensation...
    Darkness wakes
    and stirs imagination..."
  • All I Ask of You
    No more talk of darkness,
    forget these wide-eyed fears;
    I'm here, nothing can harm you,..."
  • The Point Of No Return
    Passarino - go away!
    For the trap is set and waits for
    its prey!..."
  • Any Dream Will Do
    I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain
    To see for certain what I thought I knew
    Far far away, someone was weeping..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Cats - Original London Cast (Disc 2)" album, click "Andrew Lloyd Webber Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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