Andrew Lloyd Webber - Whats The Buzz Strange Things Mystifying Lyrics

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Artist: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Andrew Lloyd Webber Author
Song Title: Whats The Buzz Strange Things Mystifying
Visits: 718
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What's the buzz
Tell me what's a-happening

Why should you want to know?
Don't you mind about the future
Don't you try to think ahead
Save tomorrow for tomorrow
Think about today instead
I could give you facts and figures
I could give you plans and forecasts
Even tell you where I'm going

When do we
Ride to Jerusalem?

Why should you want to know
Why are you obsessed with fighting
Times and fates you can't defy?
If you knew the path we're riding
You'd understand it less than I

What's the buzz
Tell me what's happening

(Mary Magdalene)
Let me try
To cool down your face a bit

That feels nice, so nice
Mary, oooh, that is good

While you prattle through your supper
Where and when and who and how
She alone has tried to give me
What I need right here and now

What's the buzz
Tell me what's happening

It's a strange thing
That a man like you
Can waste his time
With women of her kind
I can understand that she amuses you
But to let her stroke you
Kiss your hair
Is hardly in your line
It's not that I object
To her profession
But it doesn't seem to square
With what you do or say
It doesn't help
If you're inconsistant
They only need a small excuse
To put us all away

Who are you
To criticize her?
Who are you
To despise her?
Leave her, leave her
Let her be now
Leave her, leave her
She's with me now
If your slate is clean
Then you can throw stones
If your slate is not
Then leave her alone!

I'm amazed that men like you
Can be so shallow, thick, and slow
There is not a man among you
Who knows or cares if I come or go

(Apostles, except Judas)
No you are wrong
You're very wrong
How can you say that!
How can you say that!

Not one, not one of you

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    Where in the world
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  • All I Ask of You
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    forget these wide-eyed fears;
    I'm here, nothing can harm you,..."
  • The Point Of No Return
    Passarino - go away!
    For the trap is set and waits for
    its prey!..."
  • Any Dream Will Do
    I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain
    To see for certain what I thought I knew
    Far far away, someone was weeping..."

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