Andrew W.K. - Long Live The Party Lyrics
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Andrew W.K. Singer Lyrics
Long Live The Party Song Lyrics
Andrew W.K.
Song Title:
Long Live The Party
Print Version
I want to have a party
I want to have a party
I want to have a party
I want to have a party
You cannont kill the party
You cannont kill the party
You cannont kill the party
Long Live The Party
I want to have a party
I want to have a party
I want to have a party
I want to have a party
You cannont kill the party
cannont kill the party
cannont kill the party
cannont kill the party
Long Live the Party
Do you care, what you are?
Where's your pride?
We don't know
But we dont wonder why
I want to have a party
I want to have a party
I want to have a party
I want to have a party
You cannont kill the party
You cannont kill the party
You cannont kill the party
Long Live The Party
I want to have a party
I want to have a party
I want to have a party
I want to have a party
You cannont kill the party
You cannont kill the party
You cannont kill the party
Long Live The Party
The conquest will survive
The more that you can give it, then the more it will be
And if you do not have it, you can take it from me
All we ever wanted was a thing to believe,
And now that we have found it, we have all that we need.
The more that you can give it, then the more it will be
And if you do not have it, you can take it from me
All we ever wanted was a thing to believe,
And now that we have found it, we have all that we need.
We have found our pride.
Long Live The Party Lyrics
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Other Andrew W.K. song Lyrics
Its Time To Party
"It's time to party, Let's party
Hang out with yourself and have a crazy party
Hey you, Lets party
Have a killer party and Party!..."
Party Hard
"When its time to Party,
We will Party Hard!'
Girls Own Love
"People started killing wherever she goes
When she comes she's a red hot set of lips
And when she comes and you just don't know
She won't try and stop you..."
Ready To Die
"This is your time to Pay,
This is your Desperate Day.
We made a Sacrifice,
And now we get to take your life...."
Take It Off
"Take It Off!
Gotta get ready to go
'cos it's time again
who do it numb again..."
I Love Nyc
"I love New York City
Oh yeah, New York City
I love New York City
Oh yeah, New York City..."
She Is Beautiful
"I never knew Girls existed like you,
But now that I do,
I'd really like to get to know you.
Party Til You Puke
"We're not gonna die
You can never kill us
We're not gonna die
You can never hurt us..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Wolf" album, click "
Andrew W.K. Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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