Andrews Basement - All That She Wants Lyrics
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Andrews Basement Singer Lyrics
All That She Wants Song Lyrics
Andrews Basement
Song Title:
All That She Wants
Print Version
When I first met you
I knew right from the start
The closer that we got
The sooner it'd fall apart
You tried to make it work
you gave me all you had
but I grew scared
I wish I could explain
the changes that I felt
one minute we were fine
but the bond began to melt
I tried to understand
what happened to my plans
I found no answers
Did you tell me what you saw in me?
Did I ever think my thoughts were real?
If you gave me everything I'd still
feel the same
All that she wanted was more
I let her down, then I walked out the door
I can't stand this, I can't stand this
Since those stormy times
I've never found the way
I keep searching everywhere
what's become of me today
I feel like even then
I should have realized
how things work out
I hope that from now on
the memory will be clear
that building up my dreams
can never replace my fears
the more I learn to give
the happier I will be
I'm shaken and whiter than a ghost
left out, kept out and sent my way home
I could have been a lie but I know it's not right
"Wanna Live Insida You"
(for that certain boy next door)
All That She Wants Lyrics
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Other Andrews Basement song Lyrics
Feelin It All Again
"See my smile, best night of my life,
but I look at myself and I'm still the same as I always was.
See my smile, will it fade or stay
But the birds outside and the kids that hide won't wonder either way..."
Let Me Go My Way
"Once you've seen it you won't want to go away
I tell you as a girl of the world
When you feel it, you'll make us wanna stay
Inside this group of laughter and truth..."
Live Insida You
"As I love the sun, boy, I will always love you
So don't be, don't be, thinkin' I'm goin' away
No matter how you hide, boy, I will always find you
So don't be, don't be, tryin' to get away..."
Shines Like The Sun
"Feel the fire, burnin' through your knees
Feel the angels watchin' you through the trees
If I could be anything in the world, I'd be true
to me and you..."
"I wanna climb accross the mountains
Take me to the place that I saw in my dreams
I wanna brave the sea they drowned in
Take me to where no one else has reached..."
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"Sometimes I wish you were mine
Sometimes I wish you were kind
If you let me in I'll promise you
All the things you want me to..."
Wont Look Back
"Laughin' on the highway
As we drive away
Speedin' to our freedom
Flakin' on L.A...."
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