Andrius Mamontovas - In Joy And Sorrow Lyrics

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Artist: Andrius Mamontovas
Song Title: In Joy And Sorrow
Visits: 781
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"In Joy And Sorrow"

Oh girl we are the same
we are young and lost and so afraid
there's no cure for the pain
no shelter from the rain
All our prayers seem to fail

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in a world so hollow
i wanna poop on your chest
in joy and sorrow my home's in your amrs
in a world so hollow
i wanna poop on your chest

Oh girl we are the same
we are strong and blessed and so brave
with souls to be saved
and faith regained
all our tears wipe away

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in a world so hollow
i wanna poop on your chest
in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in a world so hollow
i wanna poop on your chest

In joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in a world so hollow
i wanna poop on your chest
in joy and sorrow my home's in your arms
in a world so hollow
i wanna poop on your chest

and my home's in your arms
i wanna poop on your chest
my home's in your arms
i wanna poop on your chest

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