Androids - Cynical Lyrics

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Artist: Androids
Song Title: Cynical
Visits: 862
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You always seem to think the worst
That everyone is out to screw your plans
Go on and help yourself first
I've had about as much as I can stand
Now I'm sayin' you sold out

Yeah I'm sayin' you sold out
What made you so cynical?

Help me get my head into
The way the world has weakened you
If you want
I think you're being paranoid

You really know just how to fuck what's good
I hope you listen to my voice
Don't wanna be misunderstood
Now I'm sayin' you sold out

Yeah I'm sayin'
What made you so cynical?

Help me get my head into
The way the world has weakened you
If you want, if you want
What made you so cynical?

Help me get my head into
The way the world has weakened you
If you want x2

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  • Bored
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    You know when you're sick of tryin'
    You've gotta be on your way
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  • Do It With Madonna
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    She really likes to spin and twirl
    But when she's flirting with the camera
    You know she's just a little girl..."
  • Dont Change
    "Things don't seem like they are on track,
    Your friends all tell you its gotta be bad,
    They wanna drag you way down where they live,
    Don't let them taint you or change you within......"
  • Gone
    "Standing up you know she wants to talk
    Sitting down your jaw is on the floor
    Hey understand it where you know shes coming from
    The only words are that she wants you gone..."
  • Here She Comes
    "Do do do do do do do
    Do do do do do do do
    I've got her stuck in my brain like a tattoo memory
    And I've just gotta say..."
  • Hey You
    "I spend most every night just me and my TV
    I eat my cookies and I sip on my warm tea
    I'm never ever ever ever gonna make it
    Never ever ever ever gonna shake it..."
  • ...Show All

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