Angel - Perfect For One Day Lyrics

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Artist: Angel
Song Title: Perfect For One Day
Visits: 777
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I remember the month, remember the day

Remember you took my breath away

You holding my hand, you opened the door

Gently you pulled me to the floor

We were flawless, pure as the snow

Deep as the river of time that flows

And I, I need to know

How did a dream come to an end

How did I lose my lover, my friend

Couldn?t we fall backwards in time

Back to the moment you became mine

Oh it?s so hard to walk away

When you?ve had perfect for one day

I remember the place, remember the time

Remember how you made my world shine - oh

Why, why did you lie, why did you cheat

You made my life feel incomplete

We were flawless, pure as the snow

You tore me apart and you hurt me so

Now why I have to know

How did a dream come to an end

How did I lose my lover, my friend

Couldn?t we fall backwards in time

Back to the moment you became mine

Oh it?s so hard to walk away

When you?ve had perfect for one day

Why am I still here, why do I not leave

How can I stay, when I can hardly breathe

Frozen here in space, distant as a star

You are near but yet so far

Oh it?s so hard to walk away

When you?ve known perfect for one day

How did a dream come to an end

How did I lose my lover, my friend

Couldn?t we fall backwards in time

Back to the moment you became mine

Oh it?s so hard to walk away

When you?ve had perfect for one day

When you?ve had perfect for one day

Yeah, we were perfect for one day

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  • Chicken Soup
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    With my coat in my hand,
    I thought I'd go for a walk
    But can you really be sure..."

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