Angel Blue - True Lyrics

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Artist: Angel Blue
Song Title: True
Visits: 926
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{Angel Blu}
(True) jameson (True) angel blu (True) steve feel good (True) comin'
to you!
{Angel Blu}
I know whats being said but theres no regret form this, lets make
arrangements for an appointment in my head!
We act so shallow but the situations deep! Momentary pleasure got me
feeling long time weak!
True side by side lay on your back flat like domino, we can roll our dice
drip like ice, Melt! I can make you fall up and down like snakes and
ladders uh uh! Tell all ya friends, tell all ya friends i've had ya!
I'm feeling you so whats it gonna be? I need honnesty tell me what you
need. Can you be true? Or be that as it may chase the clouds away each
and every day!
(Just you and i, just you and i, just you and i, its true!)
{Angel Blu}
Beats and motions say it all but you still don't call! it's distance
inside the ball so we can do it all no! But could you handle it? But could
you manage it? I want it all so make it unforgetable!
True side by side lay on your back flat like domino, we can roll our dice
drip like ice, Melt! I can make you fall up and down like snakes and
ladders uh uh! Tell all ya friends, tell all ya friends i've had ya!
I'm feeling you so whats it gonna be? I need honnesty tell me what you
need. Can you be true? Or be that as it may chase the clouds away each
and every day!
I'm feeling you (I'm feeling you!) so whats it gonna be? I need
honnesty tell me what you need. Can you be true? (Can you be true?)
Or be that as it may chase the clouds away each and every day!
(Just you and i, It's true, just you and i, it's true, (every day) just
you and i, just you and i, just you and i, it's true!
Right check, check 1 check 2 hype it up inside the venue, allow me to
bring you the big tunes so excuse, i just need some room to let go, a
new flow, let me explode just like nitro, back with a littlewhat watch
ducer, Angel blu and jay the producer
I'm feeling you so whats it gonna be? I need honnesty tell me what you
need. Can you be true? Or be that as it may chase the clouds away each
and every day!
I'm feeling you (I'm feeling you!) so whats it gonna be? I need
honnesty tell me what you need. Can you be true? (Can you be true?)
Or be that as it may chase the clouds away each and every day!

Just you and i its true!!

True Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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