Angelcorpse - Embrace Lyrics

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Artist: Angelcorpse
Song Title: Embrace
Visits: 765
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What is to be of this pestilience
That makes empires tumble like tears
The dust of millenia - fallen ages
Staunches the flow of dawning horizons
Obscuring -
While the days crumble as their hours unfold
A sensual swooning - prophetic mocking
As the soils swallow the seeds of the past

Each one of us to his own
Drowning in hallowed solitude
Swallowing the void
The pallid hope revealed at last

*Why should I fret in microcosmic bonds
That chafe the spirit and the mind repress
When through the clouds gleam beckoning beyonds
Whose shining vistas mock man's littleness?*
Throw off those shackles of sufferance
This penance of one thousand ordeals
I wield the scepter of destiny
Choose the means of my own death

Give me both nails and a hammer
Harness those ecstasies of death
Prostrate myself on cruciform
At last...

With swift feet I made my way
Helmed by a cacophony of despair
Deaf to the legacy of youthfullness
And beauty and joy since pined away
Yet now a rush falls upon my ears
Of dripping - whispering words
The hole of emptiness I pour through
Unveils the caress from far beyond

Now no longer can I ignore
What goes before has gone again
The silence of immorality
Satisfied with this one fell step
Plunge beneath the waters -
The freezing embrace of the goddess of death

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Other Angelcorpse song Lyrics
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    Portal to the vault of sun and lightning
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  • Black Solstice
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    Drawing down the hallowed darkness
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  • Christhammer
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  • Consecration
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    The hallowed arms of those
    Whom death hath struck down
    Warriors from the beyond..."
  • Envenomed
    "Cut off your nose to spite your face
    You cannot deny your natural desires
    Sell the soul away parade into oblivion
    Depravity transgress swallow the fear..."
  • Into The Storm Of Steel
    "Beasts of prey strike with lightning speed
    Wagons of war collide
    Metallic plague armored locusts drive
    Into the storm of steel..."
  • Lord Of The Funeral Pyre
    "In the mouth of the wolf
    I crush their execrations
    Sweating out the poison
    My skin crawls black with hate..."
  • ...Show All

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