Angeli - Foreign Lover Lyrics

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Artist: Angeli
Song Title: Foreign Lover
Visits: 870
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They said: You have a broken voice box
Now how you gonna be a star
Why did you make that foolish left turn
And run right into that car
Into that car, into that car
Why did you run into that car, into that car
Riding high, racing heart
All aglow with excitement
If dreams could come true, only two weeks to go
And my feet flying off the pavement
But who would have thought at that innocent corner
How blinded by time I would be
The road to hell appears out of nowhere
And stays indefinitely
They said: You have a broken voice box
Now how you gonna be a star
Why did you make that foolish left turn
And run right into that car
Into that car, into that car
Why did you run into that car, into that car
Dream again, I dream again
Oh, I remember the pain
Maybe I should see a soothsayer
And ask what's in the game
Is it storm and clouds before the rainbow
Or neon lights on Broadway
Or is it just a freak of chance that steroids are messin' up my brain
[Composed by Angeli;

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Other Angeli song Lyrics
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  • Broken Voice Box
    "I met Adonis just recently
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    Right out of a book of Greek gods and myths
    In the guise of a man here against his will..."
  • Im Drowning
    "Stay with me, my foreign lover
    Speak to me your sweet language of love
    Mon chri, mon amour
    Dis-moi que tu m'aimes toujours..."
  • Monogamous
    "I was sailing along, a happy cloud in the sky
    Feeling so good, just having fun
    Then one starry night when the moon was high
    You heated me up like a warm summer sun..."
  • Rainbow
    "This is a song to you, my lover
    Why don't you call or just come over
    It seems to me that you've been gone forever
    Your smile so sunny and bright..."
  • The Car Song
    "I sold my old car today
    To say goodbye to you and memories of yesterday
    There was just too much of you in it
    Like an old photograph..."
  • Young Stud
    "I sold my old car today
    To say goodbye to you and memories of yesterday
    There was just too much of you in it
    Like an old photograph..."

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