Angkor Wat - Golden Lyrics

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Artist: Angkor Wat
Song Title: Golden
Visits: 823
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Emptiness became my house
Black cracked sight my line of life
I dream of angels and lightning flash
And cool, cool rain to wash my mind
Innocence seemed so far from home
I'd wish to rest in a bed of flowers
But hot black sands are where I'd lay
Bathed in the black of night
Eyes awash in a sea of starlight
The cold quick winds of God
Blow through my soul
The fable of time no longer blinds
Without body jugded only by mind
I long for the life a child might know
Then Golden touch my heart becomes whole
Bathed in the black of night
Eyes awash in a sea of starlight
The cold quick winds of God
Blow through my soul
I long for the life a child might know
The golden touch, my heart becomes whole
Now Golden light shows me angels
Golden warmth comforts my flesh
Golden words ease my mind
I'm complete with Golden time
My heart hungers for life
Flesh blood and fire
Soul contact soul thunderstorm choir
Golden soul bright
Charged with the light
Set my soul afire
With a new strengh
To forge a new road
A road so much higher
Soul contact soul thunderstorm choir
Golden soul bright
Charged with the light
My heart hungers for life
Flesh, blood and fire
Now I touch Golden
The black worlds blooms
Brilliant colors drown my body
And life becomes real when
Every drop of rain known
Never let it end
I stand naked without walls
Never let it end
My soul touched by another
Never let it end
And when ants so feast upon my flesh
And the world's turned me inside out
I need a place to lay my head
Peace seems so far away
I dream of Golden times
And reach for Golden, Golden fire
Bathed in the black of night
Eyes awash in a sea of starlight
The cold quick winds of God
Blowing through my soul
The fable of time no longer blinds
Without body, judged only by mind
I'd wish to rest in a bed of flowers
But hot black sands are where I'd lay
With black cracked sight my line to life
I dreamt of angels and lightning flash
And cool, cool rain to wash my mind
Innocence seemed so far from home
I long for the life a child might know
Then Golden touch, my heart becomes whole
My heart becomes whole

Golden Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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