Angra - Carolina IV Lyrics
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Carolina IV Song Lyrics
[1996] Holy Land (1993)
Song Title:
Carolina IV
Metal: Progressive
Print Version
Bittencourt, Loureiro, Matos, Mariutti, Confessori)
All I see floats with the wind
All the miracles of the water
Are the miracles never seen
Somehow my life now begins
This music that's been played through time
Now starts to reach my feet
Feels like the flood of my needs
>From the harmony of forever
Sound the melodies of the sea
And you will know on the way
I'm coming back to my enemies
I'm turning around I'll be
Just coming back to my last days
I'm coming back to the sea!
So... why won't you come with me, my friend?
Thrills... like we had before
Hope... never showing up the same
For a lonely man
Since the day we left the land
We've been anxious on aproach
Captain kept showing his plans:
"Under sail we go!"
Deep the ocean's blue I stare
The reflections of my soul
We have with us a special guest
And for him we made a toast
Carolina IV took a river to the sky
Seven men on board taking part
To take their hearts around
All around, around the world!
All I can recall that day
On that very day for sure
All hands up against the haze
As we attempted the return
Carolina IV took the river to the sky
One man less on board - human dreams
Have sometimes cost their lives,
All their lives dreaming
I've been such a fool, I've been so afraid
>From my heart to you I say: I'll be here to stay!
Nothing much left from the boat
Many years have been and gone
Still I can't forget the past
And the ones I left at home
Carolina IV took the river to the sky
Windy whistling nights
Made me sail right into the wind's eye
Now I'll die singing
Carolina IV Lyrics
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Lights a new beginning
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Hurts inside..."
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