Angry Salad - Saturday Girl Lyrics

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Artist: Angry Salad
Song Title: Saturday Girl
Visits: 786
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she lost herself when the meds kicked in
staring at a chair where her folks had been
all she wanted to tell them was "i'm alright"
it's late, and a stillness hangs on her hall
broken by the sound of the faint footfalls
as the last orderly moves slowly into the night

and a song that she used to know, from a pocket radio
and it floats from the floor above, song she used to love
reminds her of the time when she had anyplace to go

is this time is it all i've got (she thinks)
is this life is it all i've got
that you could walk away and leave me with something i can't fight yeah
this thing has got ahold of me and all my saturday, all my saturday nights

she thinks to herself, i'll hide them underneath my tongue
in the moment she's aware of what she won't become
when she feels herself slipping, she whispers "i'm alright"
the ceiling reflects headlights coming over the hill
she's lying on her back and she's perfectly still
she knew they'd come back for her, but they fade out of sight

and a song that she used to know, from a pocket radio
and it floats from the floor above, song she used to love
reminds her of the times when she, had anyplace to go

is this time is it all i've got (she thinks)
is this life is it all i've got
that you would walk away and leave me with something i can't fight yeah
this thing has got ahold of me and all my saturday, all my saturday nights

if you're out there listening, you know what i'm missing
they took time, oh, it was mine
i want my life back, i want my life back

is this time is it all i've got (she thinks)
is this life is it all i've got
that you would walk away and leave me with something i can't fight yeah
this thing has got ahold of me and all my saturday, all my saturday nights

is this time is it, is this life is it, is this time is it all i've, all i've got, all i've got
i could stumble across this hall, i could find my way, find my way back home

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  • Did I Hurt You
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  • Empty Radio
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  • Given Up
    "Once I was lost for an ending
    I'd end it to try to begin
    Grit my teeth, close my eyes
    Turn my outsides in..."
  • How Does It Feel To Kill?
    "two years at ohio state, he was a boy, he was not a man
    karl marx and ho chi minh, politics he'd never understand
    please tell me how does it feel, how does it feel to kill?
    so tell me, how does it feel, how does it feel to kill?..."
  • I Want You Back
    "when i had you too myself, i didn't want you around
    cuz pretty faces always seem to stand out in the crowd
    but someone took you from the bunch, and love was all it took
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  • My Town
    "You've got to bring it down
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    Nailed down, unwritten laws, say no one there can leave..."

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