Ani Difranco - Fuel (spoken Word) Lyrics

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Artist: Ani Difranco
Ani Difranco Author
Song Title: Fuel (spoken Word)
Visits: 758
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They were digging a new foudation in manhattan
And they discovered a slave cemetary there
May their souls rest easy
Now that lynching is frowned upon
And we've moved on to the electric chair
And i wonder who's gonna be president, tweedle dum or tweedle dummer?
And who's gonna have the big blockbuster box office this summer?
Howabout we put up a wall between houses and the highway
And you can go your way , and i can go my may

Except all the radios agree with all the tvs
And all the magazines agree with all the radios
And i keep hearing that same damn song everywhere i go
Maybe i should put a bucket over my head
And a marshmallow in each ear
And stumble around for
Another dumb- dumb waiting for another hit song to appear

People used to make records
As in a record of an event
The event of people playing music in a room
Now everything is cross-marketing
Its about sunglasses and shoes
Or guns and drugs
You choose
We got it rehashed
We got it half-assed
We're digging up all the graves
And we're spitting on the past
And you can choose between the colors
Of the lipstick on the whores
Cause we know the difference between
The font of 20% more
And the font of teriakiyi
You tell me
How does it...make you feel?

You tell me
What's ...real?
And they say that alcoholics are always alcoholics
Even when they're as dry as my lips for years
Even when they're stranded on a small desert island
With no place within 2,000 miles to buy beer
And i wonder
Is he different?
Is he different?
Has he changed? what's he about?...
Or is he just a liar with nothing to lie about?

Am i headed for the same brick wall
Is there anything i can do about
Anything at all?
Except go back to that corner in manhattan
And dig deeper, dig deeper this time
Down beneath the impossible pain of our history
Beneath unknown bones
Beneath the bedrock of the mystery
Beneath the sewage systems and the path drain
Beneath the cobblestones and the water mains
Beneath the traffic of friendships and street deals
Beneath the screeching of kamikaze cab wheels
Beneath everything i can think of to think about
Beneath it all, beneath all get out
Beneath the good and the kind and the stupid and the cruel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel

There's a fire just waiting for fuel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel
There's a fire just waiting for fuel

Fuel (spoken Word) Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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  • You Each Time
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  • Two Little Girls
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  • Im No Heroine
    "two years ago
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    and before I could remember your last name
    I remember now..."
  • Worthy
    "you think you're not worthy
    I'd have to say I agree
    I'm not worthy of you
    you're not worthy of me..."
  • Brief Bus Stop
    "she sat there like a photograph
    of someone much further away
    we shared a brief bus stop
    on one of those inbetween days..."
  • Gods Country
    "sitting in my glass house
    while your ghost is sleeping down the hall
    watching the little birds fly
    kamikaze missions into the walls..."

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