Ani Difranco - The Slant Correct Lyrics Lyrics

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Artist: Ani Difranco
Ani Difranco Author
Song Title: The Slant Correct Lyrics
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the slant
a building settling around me
my figure female framed crookedly
in the threshold
of the room
door scraping floorboards
with every opening
carving a rough history
of bedroom scenes
the plot hard to follow
the text obscured
in the fields of sheets
slowly gathering the stains
of seasons spent lying there
red and brown
like leaves fallen
the colors of an eternal cycle
fading with the
wash cycle
and the rinse cycle
again an unfamiliar smell
like my name misspelled
or misspoken
a cycle broken
the sound of them strong
stalking talking about their prey
like the way hammer meets nail
pounding, they say
pounding out the rhythms of attraction
like a woman was a drum like a body was a weapon
like there was something more they wanted
than the journey
like it was owed to them
steel toed they walk
and I'm wondering why this fear of men
maybe it's because I'm hungry
and like a baby I'm dependent on them
to feed me
I am a work in progress
dressed in the fabric of a world unfolding
offering me intricte patterns of questions
rhythms that never come clean
and strengths that you still haven't seen

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Other Ani Difranco song Lyrics
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  • The True Story Of What Was
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  • You Each Time
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  • Two Little Girls
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  • Im No Heroine
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    and before I could remember your last name
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  • Worthy
    "you think you're not worthy
    I'd have to say I agree
    I'm not worthy of you
    you're not worthy of me..."
  • Brief Bus Stop
    "she sat there like a photograph
    of someone much further away
    we shared a brief bus stop
    on one of those inbetween days..."
  • Gods Country
    "sitting in my glass house
    while your ghost is sleeping down the hall
    watching the little birds fly
    kamikaze missions into the walls..."

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