Animaniacs - FRENCH THEME Lyrics

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Artist: Animaniacs
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YW+D: Voici l'heure des Animaniacs
On a disjonct? ? max
Soyez cool; soyez relax
Sur le rire pas de taxe
On est les Animaniacs

Y+W : Nous c'est Yakko et Wakko (1)
Dot : Je suis Dot leur petite soeur
YW+D: Pour ?gayer le studio on a jou? les agitateurs
Comme ?a n'a pas beaucoup plu
Ils ont boucl? les Warners
On s'est enfui et nous voici pour votre plus grand bonheur

On est les Animaniacs
Dot vous charme; Yakko s'?claxe (+)
Wakko est super-voraxe (+)
Et Bill Clinton joue du sax'
On est les Animaniacs!

Y'a Minus et Cortex
Qui veulent diriger l'Univers
Les pigeons font du z?le
Rififi pique une crise de nerf
Toubeau poursuit Mindy
Rita d?clame des vers
Les auteurs flippent, on jette leur scripts et ?a les d?sesp?re

Cast: On est les Animaniacs
On a sign? des contraxes (+)
Nos folies vous d?saxent
Suivez nous pour faire des frasques
Les Animani
Qui sement la zizanie
Dot : Qui ont des dr?les des manies (*)
Cast: Aniii-manii-acs!
On s'marre ? max

(*) This line changes every show in France, but the one listed is what
Episode 56 has. Another known one is "On boit le th? entre amis"
("We drink tea among friends").

Notes from Jean Philippe Matton:

(+) Words "?claxe", "voraxe" and "contraxes" don't exist; real words are
"s'?clate", "vorace" and "contrats", they have been changed to sound like
"Y'a" = abbreviation for "il y a" = There is (are).
(1) "Nous c'est Yakko et Wakko"
Yes, this line is quite special. It's spoken French but it's not an error.
It's a repetitive structure, sort of insistent turn of phrase.

Correct French : "Nous sommes Yakko et Wakko"
= We are Yakko and Wakko
Spoken French : "Nous, c'est [se] Yakko et Wakko"
= Us, We are Yakko and Wakko (Mmm, meaningless I suppose)
I write a comma because there's no relation between "Nous" and "c'est".
In the same way, young children often say "Moi, je suis plus fort, nanana!!"
"Moi" and "Je" designates the same person; it's redundant.


It's time for Animaniacs
We're disjointed (slang for crazy) to the max
Be cool, be relaxed
On laughter there's no tax
We're Animaniacs

We're Yakko and Wakko
I'm Dot, their little sister
To cheer up the studio, we played the part of troublemakers
Because it wasn't liked
They locked up the Warners
We ran away and here we are for your greatest happiness

We're Animaniacs
Dot charms you; Yakko bursts (out laughing)
Wakko is super-voracious
And Bill Clinton plays the sax
We're Animaniacs!

There are Minus and Cortex
Who want to run the Universe
The pigeons are overzealous
Rififi has a fit of pique
Toubeau pursues Mindy
Rita declaims a verse
The authors flipped, we tossed their scripts and it's hopeless

We're Animaniacs
We've signed contracts
Our madness makes you disordered
Follow us on our escapades
Who sow discord
Who have strange manners
We're laughing to the max

Transcribed and translated by Jean Philippe Matton, Mike Farren, Ron O'Dell and Brendan

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